Volunteer Work
Children's home Quito / Ecuador
April 2021
(cortesy translation from German)
Dear South America Inside Team,
I'm doing great so far! I can't complain at all. The kids are just wonderful. To be honest, it's even better than I imagined. I love being around these lovely kids. It is absolutely great and I enjoy it very much. They are very patient with me and I appreciate that. Every weekend my friend comes over and we visit other places. (We already knew each other before and it's coincidental that he's here too). Quito is a fantastic city!
So every day there is actually something new. The timetable is practically the same, but at the same time there are enough differences that you hardly even notice it. I help the kids every day with school work and their deberes in the morning and after that we play (sometimes with cards, sometimes soccer) until noon. After that there may be some things that need to be done like washing or sweeping, laundry or more deberes. At 4 p.m. they shower and at 6 p.m. we have our dinner.
Many thanks for everything!
Joe D.